The ETSU Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education is proud to invite you to the 7th Annual Coaches & Sport Science College. The conference will take place December 14-15, 2012 and the UK Strength & Conditioning Association Accreditation will be held on December 16, 2012 between 9 am and 5 pm.

Friday December 14th 2012
11:00am – Noon – Registration
Noon – 12:15 – Introduction – Meg Stone
Theme I - Soccer
12:15 – 12:45 – Quantifying On-Field Training – Howard Gray
12:45 – 1:15 – Training for Female Players – Ryan Alexander
1:15 – 1:45 – On-Field Practice/Training – Dr. Adam Sayers
1:45 – 2:00 – Panel Discussion
2:00 – 2:15 – Break & Poster
Theme II - Sprint & Agility
2:15 – 3:15 – Biomechanics of Sprinting – John Goodwin
3:15 – 4:15 – Hands-on Training for Sprint – Meg Stone
4:15 - 5:15 – Hands-on Training for Agility – Mike Favre
5:15 – 5:30 – Panel Discussion
6:30 – 8:00 – Banquet by MC Ramsey
Saturday December 15th 2012
Theme III - Nutrition & Recovery
8:00– 8:45am – Nutrition Timing – Dr. John Ivy
8:45 – 9:30 – Recovery Strategy – Dr. Bill Sands
9:30 – 9:45 – Panel Discussion
9:45 – 10:00 – Break & Poster
Theme IV - Baseball
10:00 – 10:45 – Biomechanics of Pitching – Dr. Dave Fortenbaugh
10:45 – 11:15 – Reducing Injury is NOT Enough – Jeremy Gentles
11:15 – 11:45 – Scientific Training – Guy Hornsby
11:45 – Noon – Panel Discussion
Noon – 12:45 – Lunch
Theme V - Development of Power & Explosiveness
12:45 – 1:45 – Developing Power & Explosiveness – Dr. Mike Stone
1:45 – 2:15 – Developing Power & Explosiveness – Dr. Satoshi Mizuguchi
2:15 – 2:30 – Panel Discussion
Theme VI - Sports Tech
2:30 – 3:15 – Physiological Tech – Dr. Mike Ramsey
3:15 – 4:00 – Biomechanical Tech – Dr. Hugh Lamont
4:00 – 4:45 – Technology for Coaches – Dr. Kimi Sato
4:45 – 5:00 – Panel Discussion
Sunday December 16th 2012
9:00 am – 5:00 pm - UKSCA Accreditation

UK Strength & Conditioning Accreditation
For information about the UKSCA and the Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach process please visit
Speaker Bios
John Goodwin– Programme Director for the MSc in Strength & Conditioning at St. Mary’s University College in the UK. John has been coaching sprinting and multisport S&C for almost 15 years, having worked with athletes from club to international level. His undergraduate and master’s degrees were in Sport Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering respectively. His area of academic study is spring biomechanics in which he is currently researching for a PhD at Imperial College in London.
Mike Favre– Formerly the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the USOC, now the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of Olympic Sports at the University of Michigan.
Dr. John Ivy– Chair of Kinesiology and Health Education at the University of Texas at Austin, and holder of the Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Chair. He also holds a joint appointment in the College of Pharmacology at the University of Texas. He is the author of over 160 peer-reviewed scientific papers, numerous book chapters and three books on sports and exercise nutrition including Nutrient Timing, which has been published in four languages.
Dr. Bill Sands– A first year Associate Professor at ETSU. Former Director of Education for the National Strength and Conditioning Association in Colorado Springs, CO. He has served as the Director of the Monfort Family Human Performance Research Laboratory at Colorado Mesa University. He is also the former Recovery Center Leader, Head of Sport Biomechanics and Engineering and Senior Physiologist for the U.S. Olympic Committee in Colorado Springs, CO. His primary service and research interests lie in athlete recovery, high-performance training, strength and power performance and wilderness emergency medicine.
Dr. Dave Fortenbaugh- Biomechanist at the American Sports Medicine Institute. His doctoral dissertation at the University of Miami analyzed the biomechanics of baseball batters. His work at ASMI also involves biomechanical analysis of baseball pitchers, research studies of clinical and surgical outcomes, and cadaveric testing.
Dr. Mike Stone—The program coordinator for the PhD program in Sport Physiology and Performance. He is also the sports science lab coordinator. With a research interest in strength-power training and sports performance, Professor Stone was formerly the head of physiology for the USOC.
Dr. Satoshi Mizuguchi– Now a first year Assistant Professor at ETSU, he was the first graduate from the ETSU Sport Physiology PhD program. He was also one of the sport scientists working with men’s soccer. His primary interest is the use of vertical jump height in athletes’ performance monitoring.
Dr. Mike Ramsey—Associate Professor in the department of KLSS and adjunct faculty in the CESSCE. His interests are the cardiovascular adaptations to exercise and sport performance. Dr. Ramsey is the undergraduate coordinator in the exercise and sport science program.
Dr. Hugh Lamont—Dr. Lamont has recently moved to California Lutheran University following two years as a faculty member in the department of KLSS and adjunct faculty in the CESSCE. His research interests are: whole body vibration to improve high performance, post activation potentiation in athletes and non-athletes, and acute and chronic adaptations to resistance exercise.
Dr. Kimi Sato– Second– year faculty member in the department of KLSS. He received his PhD in exercise science with a concentration in biomechanics at the University of Northern Colorado. His primary research interest is to identify specific sports injuries from physical capabilities and anthropometry measurements.
Meg Stone—Two-time Olympian and distinguished strength and conditioning coach. She is also the Director of the Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education at ETSU.
Howard Gray– Third-year Sport Physiology PhD student at ETSU and acts as Coaching Manager for the CESSCE. He is a sport scientist for the ETSU men’s soccer team and previously worked at Reading FC and Crystal Palace FC in England.
Ryan Alexander– Second-year PhD student at ETSU with a concentration in Sport Physiology. Currently working with women’s soccer and men’s golf programs. Primary area of interest for research is studying the effects of training loads and fatigue on different performance variables.
Dr. Adam Sayers– Head women’s soccer coach at ETSU as well as the 2011 Atlantic Sun Coach of the Year. He received his PhD in Human Performance at MTSU. He also has his UEFA “A” and USSF “A” license as well as having his NSCA CSCS certification. He has been published in various journals and coaching publications.
Jeremy Gentles– Third-year PhD student in Sport Science at East Tennessee State University. His primary interests include sport technology, long-term athlete monitoring, and acute/chronic biochemical responses to training.
Guy Hornsby— Third-year doctoral student at ETSU in the Sports Performance program. Primary area of interest and study deals with optimum methods of training to enhance sports performance. Previous strength and conditioning coach for ETSU baseball team from 2008-12 and is currently a weightlifting coach for the ETSU USOC designated weightlifting center.
Scientific Posters
The Center of Excellence for Sport Science and Coach Education (CESSCE) will be hosting posters for its seventh annual Coaches College. The subject matter must deal directly or indirectly with the enhancement of competitive athletes. Posters can deal with advances in coaching, coaching methods, or biomechanical, psychological, physiological or sports medicine aspects. The deadline for acceptance is November 16th, 2012, (no exceptions).
Awards will be given in the following categories:
Coaching/Coach Education
1st place - $100
2nd place - $50
Sport Science
1st place - 100
2nd place - $50
Outstanding Student Poster- $100
For more information about the call for papers please call (423) 439-5796 or (423) 439-4375.
Full Conference - $275
One Day Only - $150
Student Rate Per Day - $75
UKSCA Accreditation - $400
*Fees are nonrefundable but may be applied to future events
*A $25 fee will be charged to those who register online after November 30th, 2012
*A $25 fee will be charged to those who register at the door

Conference Location
The conference will be held at the Millennium Centre ( which is located directly behind the Carnegie Hotel.
Tri-Cities Airport (20 minutes)
McGhee-Tyson Airport (Knoxville, TN, 2 hours)
Asheville Regional Airport (Asheville, NC, 1 hour)
Carnegie Hotel:
Phone: (423) 979-6400
(Mention ETSU Coaches College)
Hampton Inn: Phone (423) 929-8000
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